T view

Simple booking: T view

You are close to book. You want to make sure that the booking is correct? Have a look at the T view, you will see straight away what the booking will do to the accounting.

Description of the page

Or jump directly to the T View troubleshoot.



1) Description of the T view




  1. T-View debit account: The view of your debit account.

  3. T-View credit account: The view of your credit account.

  5. T-View VAT booking: The view of your VAT account related to the VAT code.

  7. T-View Current amount: The current amount booked in the debit and credit of the account.

  9. T-View Current total: The current total of the account.

  11. T-View New booking: The booking you are currently doing.

  13. T-View New total: The total after your booking will be booked.

  15. Hide T-View: To hide the whole T-View section.


Now you are sure that you booking is correct. Finish it by clicking on the “Book” button.

Try to make another booking or edit or delete a booking.


T View Troubleshoot