It is possible to import bookings from Excel into EZYcount. Go to Bookings -> Import Booking.
Then in Excel Import.

There are 4 fields :
- Field to select the Excel sheet to import.
- Button to start import.
- Tips for importing Excel into EZYcount
- Excel file set up correctly and ready for import. It is recommended to use this template.
- Link to the support page.
- List of Excel Imports already done. It is possible to delete an Excel import AND all the imported entries by deleting the import.

Currently, only entries in CHF are accepted.
If an Excel import is deleted, all entries imported from this import are also deleted.
During an import, it is possible to have errors (in red) or warnings (in orange).
Here is a detailed list of errors and warnings.

- Errors
- The debit account does not exist in accounting. Solution: Create the account in your accounting.
- The credit account does not exist in accounting. Solution: Create the account in your accounting.
- A debit or credit account exists twice in your accounting. Solution: Change the number of one of the two accounts.
- Booking amount is missing. Solution: Insert an amount.
- An error in the VAT code field follows the following rule:
- If one of the two accounts accepts VAT, an active and existing VAT code is required.
- If both accounts do not accept VAT or if both accounts accept VAT, the VAT code field must be empty.
- To manage the VAT on an account, go to the following help page:
- The currency should be CHF.
- The date format should be DD.MM.YYYY for example, 15.09.2020
- Warnings
- The booking number is blank. EZYcount assigns the next free number in your accounting. (recommended method)
- The booking number already exists. EZYcount can write with the same number but we do not recommend it.
For all your questions and remarks, please write to us at or directly on the EZYcount forum.