Account statement

Account statement

The Account statement shows the detail of all the writings of one or several accounts.
The Account statement is accessible from the menu “Reports”.

account statement

Account Statement


  1. Select the deliberate account. It is possible of select all the accounts to have the big book.
  2. Date the beginning of the report.
  3. Date the end of the report.
  4. Select to show the sum of the account in the date of the beginning of the report.
  5. Select to mask the accounts without writing.
  6. Export the bank statement in PDF or Excel format
  7. Number of the writing
  8. Status of the writing: past ( normal status), Saved (to finish later) or blocked.
  9. Date when the writing passed.
  10. Description registered during the passage of the writing.
  11. Counterparty of the writing
  12. Rising in foreign currency if the writing was made in a foreign currency.
  13. VAT: yes if writing with VAT, no if writing without.
  14. Sum to the debit
  15. Rising to the credit
  16. The Somme accumulated by writings
  17. Possible actions: edit a writing


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