Import bookings
You want to save time and import bookings directly in EZYcount:
1) The import booking button is in the menu under bookings:
- Select the booking file: Select on your computer which file to import
- File type: Automatic recognition of tile type. If the program doesn’t recognize the file, you cannot import the file. Please contact if you thing that this file should be imported.
- Cash account: Select the correct bank or post account to import the bookings into.
- Import button: Click the import button to import the file.
- Import list: The list of each import is displayed on the bottom. The available information are date, cash account, the total amount of the import and the current state (a cross if some bookings need to be finished and a “V” if all bookings are done.
- Actions: The show button let you see and modify the import and the bookings of the import. The Delete button delete the import and all bookings.
2) Once you clicked on the Import button, all bookings are loaded. You can finish each booking one after the other. You can quit anytime and continue later.
3) Here is a list of all the files you can import in EZYcount:
If you have a question, do not hesitate to contact us at