VAT check

VAT check

You want to check all the VAT bookings before you fill the official report?

The 3 steps are:

  1. Preview the VAT check.
  2. View the VAT check.
  3. Print the VAT sheet or export it in pdf or Excel.

Or jump directly to the VAT check troubleshoot.



The VAT check page:

VAT check

VAT check


1) Preview the VAT check.

  1. Date from: The starting date of the VAT check. All bookings between “Date from” and “Date until” are included in the report.
  2. Date until: The ending date of the VAT check. All bookings between “Date from” and “Date until” are included in the report.
  3. “Preview” button: Load the information in the document below. When you arrive in the page, the numbers are from the starting of the accounting year until today.
  4. Show balance sheet accounts: By clicking on this box, all accounts including the balance sheet accounts are shown in the report. This is interesting for a complete check. However for a standard check for a quarterly VAT report, the analysis of the income statement and the VAT accounts should be enough.
  5. The VAT check: Display of the income statement and the VAT accounts with the VAT bookings.

2) The detailed VAT check let you spot mistakes easily:

VAT check report

VAT check report

  1. Category: The accounts are grouped by categories.
  2. Accounts: The account number and the account description is displayed.
  3. VAT code: For each account, all VAT code used are displayed. It is possible to look at the detailed booking by clicking on the “Details” button.
  4. Total VAT: The VAT amount booked.
  5. Total booking: The booking amount.
  6. Summary: The VAT accounts are the accounts in the chart of accounts where the offset of a VAT booking is booked. This shows the exact same information than the upper part but group it per VAT code.

VAT check details

VAT check details

Once you clicked on the button “Details”, more information is available to you.

  • ID: The booking number.
  • Date: The booking’s date.
  • Description: The booking’s description.
  • VAT Debit Credit: Show if the VAT amount is booked in the Debit or Credit of the account.
  • Booking Debit Credit: Show if the booking is in the Debit or in the Credit of the account.

It is possible to close the Details by re-clicking on it.


3) Print the VAT check or export it in pdf or Excel. Be careful, the document can be quite long.

For more details, look at how to print or export the balance sheet.

Now that you are sure that all your VAT bookings are correct, go on and print your official VAT report.


VAT check Troubleshoot