My companies

“My companies” page is your dashboard

This is the page you see once you logged in.


My companies page

My companies page


  1. Logo EZYcount: to go back to the homepage.
  2. My companies: The page you are currently on.
  3. User’s name: The username under which you are logged in. Here you can log out, change your personal information or password. We recommend that you log out every time you finished to work with your accounting.
  4. Support: To find help and support on how to use EZYcount. You choose to go to the support website or launch the welcome tour.
  5. Languages: To switch the display language of EZYcount.
  6. Reminders: To go to the calendar with all your reminders. The number shows how many reminders are due soon.
  7. Create new companies: Create a new company or import an example to work with. The example’s name is EZYcafé. Every time you create a new company, that company receive 15-day free trial.
  8. Select a company: Select which company you want to work with.
  9. Fast actions: Three fast actions related to your rights on that company are available:
    • Renew my subscription: Renew the subscription of the company. Only available if you are an administrator of this company.
    • Remove my access: Remove your access on the company.
    • Delete: Delete the company. Only available if you are an administrator of this company.
  10. Renew: Renew the company’s subscription. This button is available only if the company’s subscription will expire within 30 days. You can always increase the company’s subscription in the Fast actions.
  11. Company menu bar: Here you can directly interact with the company’s accounting. Choose between making a booking, printing a balance sheet, income statement or managing the company’s settings.