
How to register?

You want to try EZYcount and enjoy the free registration.

The 3 steps are:

  1. Click on “Try for Free” on the homepage.
  2. Fill up the form.
  3. Validate your email address

Or jump directly to the Register troubleshoot.



1) Click on the “Try for free” button on the homepage (open in a new window).

Try for free button on homepage

Try for free button on homepage


2) Fill up the register form with your personal information.

Register form

Register form


Fields definition:

“Title”: Your gender. We collect this information to offer you a more personal experience and to collect statistical data.

“Country of residence”: The country where you live in.

“Email”: You personal email. This is also your username for EZYcount independently of which company you work for.

“Password”: The Password need to be at least 6 characters long with at least one letter and one number.

“Terms of Services”: The Terms of Services need to be accepted to use EZYcount. Please read them carefully.


Press the button “Register” when you filled all fields.


If all information are correct, you should be redirected to the login page with the success message “A validation email has been sent, you need to validate your account before you can log in.” such as the picture below.

Successful registration

Successful registration


If not, information are displayed within the register form to show you what is wrong.


3) A validation email has been sent to you at your email address. See example below. Please confirm your email address by clicking on the link “Validate your email”.

Validation email

Validation email

You successfully finished the registration process!

Now try to login and then create your first company or play with a test company.


Register Troubleshoot

  • I have registered but I never received an email.
    • Check your inbox and your email spam folder. Allow 15 minutes for the email to go from our servers until your inbox. This depends strongly on your email provider. If you still didn’t receive an email,
    • Try to register once more. if this is successful, this means that you didn’t inputted the right email address the first time. Everything is then all right and you can start to work with EZYcount.
    • If you cannot register and you receive the error below, you already registered. Please double check if you didn’t receive EZYcount email or if the email didn’t landed in your spam folder. Please contact for further support.

      Error email already exist

      Error email already exist

  • If you have an error message that you don’t understand, please contact