Bookings import

Bookings import

Import bookings in EZYcount, follow the guide!

Select “Import bookings” in menu “Booking”:

Import booking menu

Import booking menu


In the import page, import the file and select where the bookings need to be imported.

Booking import page

Booking import page


  1. Select the file to import.
  2. Select the type of import. (camt053 or MT940)
  3. Select in which account the bookings should be inputted.
  4. Button to start the import.
  5. Table with imports done.
  6. Import’s date.
  7. Numbers of bookings done / Number of bookings in the imported file.
  8. Possible actions: Edit the bookings of the imported file. Delete the imported file and all linked bookings.

Once the file is imported, you are redirected to the imported booking list.

List imported bookings

List imported bookings


  1. Imported bookings list.
  2. First booking: Description, date, amount and status are shown. The amount is green if it is an inflow and red if it is an outflow. The whole booking is green if booked; the symbole up right change from a circle to a V when booked.
  3. Second booking
  4. Show how many bookings are done.
  5. Button to go back to the import page.
  6. Details of selected booking; the one in yellow.
  7. Data imported cannot be modified.
  8. Amount was imported so unchangeable.
  9. Button to modifiy the booking into a multi booking.
  10. Book the imported booking.

Complete each booking one after the other. It is also possible to go out of the import and finish later. All unfinished bookings are not taken into account for balance sheets or income statements.

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