Multi booking

Create a multi booking

You want to create a booking with multiple debit or credit. This is a way to make bookings which should be used if you are used to accounting as the T-View help is not available for this.

The page is in three different parts:

  1. Form to input a new line
  2. History of all the lines of the multi booking
  3. control and finish the multi booking
  4. One example to highlight how to simplify your accounting with the multi booking.

Or jump directly to the Create a multi booking troubleshoot.



1) The form to input a new line in the multi booking.

Multi booking input form

Multi booking input form


  1. Booking number: The reference number of your booking. By default, the value is “automatic”. EZYcount will take the next available number when you press the button “Book”.
    If you want to use a specific number, you can type it inside the field. Numbers and letters are accepted.
    We recommend you to write this number on the supporting document (for example the supplier invoice) to be able to quickly find the booking if you see the document.

  3. Booking date: The booking’s date. For example, payments are usually booked at the date the money is taken out of your account. This date is on your bank statement.

  5. Description: This field is free for you to describe what is your booking about. The maximal length is 255 characters. The description of the first booking line of the multi booking is the one shown in the report.

  7. Account: The account. All accounts of your chart of accounts are listed in the drop-down menu. If you start to type the number or the name of the account, the list will then shorten relatively. It is also possible to type the number of the account followed by the key tab to input the account in the field.

  9. Type: The type of the booking. Is this debit or credit. If you select the bank account, debit will increase your bank account and credit will decrease it. If you select the long term loan account, debit will decrease it and credit will increase it.

  11. Amount: The amount of your booking has to be a positive number and follows your rounding rules. In the company settings, you can choose to round all numbers to the nearest 0.05 or 0.01.

  13. Currency: Choose in which currency the booking should be done.

  15. Rate: Rate linked to the currency. You can organise the currencies in the Company settings -> Currency. It is also possible to change the rate manually.

  17. “Cancel” button: Cancel the current booking and empty all the fields.

  19. “Book” button: Book the line in the multi booking.

  21. VAT code (only available if you are VAT registered and the selected account under 4 request VAT): The VAT code. All VAT codes activated in the company settings are listed when you click on the field. The code number, the rate and the description are shown. To manage the VAT code, please see the VAT setup support page. The VAT amount is displayed next to it.


2) History of all the lines of the multi booking

Current booking status

Current booking status


  1. Booking description: The booking description is the description of the first booking.

  3. VAT booking: The VAT booking is in italic and linked to the booking above. Edit the booking above to edit the VAT booking.

  5. Edit or delete: Edit the line with the pen or delete the line with the cross.

  7. Arrows: Move the line up and down to decide which line is the first one.

3) Control and finish the multi booking

  1. Total amount booked: The table shows the total of the lines in debit and credit. A red number is shown in “Difference” if the two are not equal. Only when both are equal, which mean the booking is balanced, you can finish the booking.

  3. Book button: If the booking is balanced, you can finish the booking.


4) One example to highlight how to simplify your accounting with the multi booking.

Jean has a small bakery in Villeneuve. She sells tasty sweets and delicious bread. At the end of the day, she can print a ticket with the summary of the daily sales. On the 15.02.2015, the report is as such: Sales 1’453.30, where 442 is with 8% VAT because it is consume at the coffee and 1’011.30 is with 2.5% VAT because it is take away.
With the multi booking, Jean can make one single booking for the ticket. See below the picture.

Example Cashier ticket multi booking

Example Cashier ticket multi booking


  1. Description: The description of the booking is easy to find with the text or date.
  2. Lines: The lines shows at the start the money going in the cashier then the two different sales per VAT code.
  3. Summary: The booking balances. Ready to book!


Create a booking Troubleshoot