VAT rates change on the first of January 2018 in Switzerland

VAT rates change in Switzerland on the first of January 2018.Les taux de TVA changent en Suisse au premier janvier 2018. Below are the instructions how to make the required changes in your EZYcount accounting and EZYinvoice systems.

For more general information about the VAT change, see the following detailed post: LINK

Change VAT rates in EZYcount

The new VAT reates have been automatically added to your accounting by the EZYcount team on the 30.12.2017. You find the list of all VAT rates under “VAT->VAT rates”

VAT code list

List of all VAT rates

You have two tasks:

1. You have to activate the rates you want to use and deactivate the old ones.
2. You have to change the default VAT rates in the accounts of the chart of account.

Activate the new rates – deactivate the old rates

  1. Click on “Show only active rates”.
  2. Analyse each VAT rate. If one of the two following is correct, deactivate the rate, write down the number aind the name so that you can activate the corresponding new rate. a) The rate is 8% or 2.5% b) The numbers are 301, 311, 321, 331 341 or 381.
  3. For each deactivated rate, activate a new rate.

Change the default rates in the chart of account

  1. Go to “Parameters->Chart of account”
  2. Double click on each account
  3. If a VAT code is selected, check the code and if needed, select one of the new VAT code.

The procedure to change VAT rates in EZYcount in finished.

The EZYcount team can make these manual changes for your for a fiduciary fee. Contact EZYcount team per email

Change VAT rates in EZYinvoice

  1. Go to “Parameters->VAT rates”
  2. Click on “Add a new rate”
  3. Under “Name” and “Rate”, insert 7.7% and 2.4%.
  4. If you have linked EZYinvoice with your accounting, under “Accounting number” instert the VAT code of your accoutning.
  5. Go to “Parameters->Products”.
  6. For each product, click on “Select” and choose “Modify product”.
  7. Change VAT rate.

The change procedure is done for EZYinvoice.

Best alternative for Amanda online

best alternative for Amanda online

best alternative for Amanda online

Amanda online announced the end of its online accounting service. The users need to find another accounting software and transfer all their data until the 18th of April 2016. How can they do:

EZYcount is the alternative for Amanda online if you want to simplify your life. Do not hesitate to call us directly at 027 327 21 11.

The reasons to switch to EZYcount

  • Create bookings without saying debit or credit: Use inflows and outflows to describe your cash bookings. EZYcount takes care of the rest.
  • Automate bank bookigns: Import your bank account statement into EZYcount for it to pre-generate bookings. It’s always easier when you don’t need to make the whole booking from sratch.
  • Collaborate with your fiduciairy by inviting him/her on your accounting for free.
  • Work everywhere, anytime with EZYcount cloud.
  • For only 200.- per year, you have a solution for your accounting.

How to move from Amanda online to the alternative EZYcount

  1. Export your data from Amanda online.
  2. Create your account in EZYcount and type “Amanda Online” in the comment section.
  3. Start your new accounting and follow the start process.
  4. Call us if you have a question: 027 327 21 11 or write us:

We are here to help you import your data from Amanda Online into EZYcount. Contact us We will support you move your accounting to EZYcount easily!

Use VAT in EZYcount

You’ll find below a summary about VAT and how to make related bookings:

  1. VAT model: effective rate or net tax rate:
  2. Make bookings with VAT
  3. Make bookings with a 100% VAT rate
  4. Make bookings following the VAT official report
  5. Useful Links

1) VAT model: effective rate or net tax rate. (Ask your trustee to advise you which one you should use). During company creation, EZYcount setup the most used VAT codes.

  • VAT effective : usual VAT model
  • Net tax rate : special VAT model. To use this, the FTA (Federal Tax Administration) need to give his approbation.
  • If you change from the effective model to the net tax rate, please contact EZYcount support. We will control that all the right VAT codes are activated (900 and following) and that the VAT is activated on the right accounts in the chart of account.

2) Make bookings with VAT

VAT codes during a booking

VAT codes during a booking

During a booking, if the debit account or the credit account accept VAT (for example revenues or expenses accounts) then it is possible to insert a VAT code.
The VAT code determine the percentage of VAT (for example 8%) and the attribution in the VAT official report.

VAT codes can be divided in two categories: sales codes and purchase codes. VAT codes description explain in details the purpose of each code.

The creation of a booking with VAT generates two booking entries. Here is an example:

VAT booking

VAT booking

The same booking number is used for both entries. The amount of 200.- is divided between the amount booked on the sales account and the one booked on the VAT paid account.

It is not possible to modify directly the VAT entry. To do so, you have to modify the main entry.

The standard chart of accounts has two basic VAT accounts : “1170 Input VAT” for purchases and “2200 VAT owed” for sales.

3) Bookings with a 100% VAT rate
Booking with a 100% VAT rate need to be done following the model below:

Booking with a 100% VAT rate

Booking with a 100% VAT rate

It is very important NOT to create a booking directly in the account 1170 but to create a booking in a purchase account with the VAT code 100%. The system generates an entry in the purchase account with 0.- and the totality of the amount is booked as VAT in the 1170 account. With this, the VAT official report is correct.
If you pass directly a booking in the account 1170, the numbers in the VAT official report will not be correct.

4) Bookings following the official VAT report
When you send the official VAT report you need to regroup the total of the VAT accounts (1170 Input VAT and 2200 VAT owed) in a third account: 2201 VAT refund. The total of the two bookings equals the total of the official VAT report.

VAT official report

VAT official report

Total VAT owed is 920.54 (rounded to 921 at the next unit as required by the federal authority), the total of the VAT input is 198.63 (rounded to 199). The bookings are :

2201 VAT refunds à 1170 Input VAT 198.63
2200 VAT owed à 2201 VAT refunds 920.54

The total of the two bookings is then 920.54 – 198.63 = 721.91 as the official VAT report state.

When you pay the VAT or when you receive a reimbursement from the FTA, you can book it directly between the 1020 bank and the 2201 VAT refund.

5) Useful links
FTA website :
VAT registration :
Foreign currency rates by the FTA :

Update 24.02.2015 – Import bank account statements

We are delighted to announce that it is now possible to importat your bank account statement directly in EZYcount:

  1. What does it mean?: One of the most time consuming work for a small company is booking the bank account statement at the end of the day, week or month. On top of it, if a typing mistake on the amount happen, it could take a long time and a lot of frustration to find it out!
    With the bank account statement importation, you download from your e-banking the bank statement. Import it in EZYcount. All the bookings are pre-filled and you only need to input the offset account (and the VAT if the offset account requires VAT). Check out some pictures at the bottom of this news.
  2. How can I use it?: Nothing easier than this. Go in your ebanking, download the MT940 file, which is your electronic bank statement and import it in EZYcount. Finish the bookings in a couple of minutes by choosing the offset accounts.
    If you cannot download the MT940 file, check our support website or contact your bank ebanking. The MT940 bank account statement delivery is free in all major Swiss banks. Stay updated on our support website to see how to do it by each major bank. Once you asked for the MT940, you will be able to download yourself the file from your ebanking.
  3. Can I do this with all my accounts?: Sure you can! Currently you can do it with the MT940 from Credit Suisse and Banque Cantonale du Valais. If you work with another bank, contact us and we will include your MT940 in the importation. We are currently working on the Camt053 of Postfinance. Keep updated to know when this is done.

To be sure to receive all the news, follow us on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter or

If you have questions, comments or feedback concerning the update, please contact us directly at We will make sure to answer you as soon as possible and integrate your feedback in the future EZYcount update!

Import View

Import View

Booking list

Booking list

Update 27.01.2015

After the beginning of 2015, our IT team and our media team worked a lot and we are very excited to deliver to you the following updates :

  1. Multi-booking: It is now possible to create multi-bookings. This means that you can have more than one debit line and more than one credit line in a booking. Even with different VAT rates or currencies! For example, if you have a cash register which gives you at the end of the day a ticket with all daily sales, you can book it in one go with the multi-booking. One debit line in cash and (for example) two credit lines, one 8% VAT and one 2.5% VAT. Definitely a lot of time saved.
  2. Accounting news: Since the start of 2015, we post on our social media (Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter) all important accounting news regarding Swiss accounting and links to make it simple for you. For example we posted that at the end of the month of January, it is required that you deliver to all your employees the salary certificate 2014. Furthermore we posted a link to the free and easy to use program to do so. (Sponsored by the Swiss tax authority). Follow us and don’t miss any accounting dates and tips!

If you have questions, comments or feedback concerning the update, please contact us directly at We will make sure to answer you as soon as possible and integrate your feedback in the future EZYcount update!

Update EZYcount of 15.12.2014

After the first months of operations, we are delighted to make available new functionalities for EZYcount. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook or Linkedin to receive all the news.

Here are the main improvements:

  1. Bookings in currency: It is now possible to book with foreign currencies. For example, if you invoice clients in the Euro-zone, or if you book a hotel bill from last business trip abroad.
  2. Reminders: Cash management is key in all companies. EZYcount helps you, with the reminder feature, to stay on top of all the money you need to pay or receive. You can now add a reminder to a booking (for example when a customer payment is due) and access all the reminders at once.
  3. Changes in the booking interface: With the addition of the currencies and reminders, we had to change the booking interface. We hope you will like it; we tried to include all your feedback.
  4. Direct access for trustees: Trustee have now a dedicated space to register and contact the EZYcount team.
  5. Stay tuned with Facebook, Linkedin or Twitter to get all of it.

    If you have questions, comments or feedback concerning the update, please contact us directly at We will make sure to answer you as soon as possible and integrate your feedback in the future EZYcount update.

How to book revenues?

You’ve just sold a good or a service and your customer pays you. How can you book it?

The 2 possibilities are:

  1. Customer pays straight away in cash or by card.
  2. Customer receives an invoice and pays later.

We will use as an example “Jean’s shop”. Jean has a small second hand shop in Bern. She sells second hand goods and she also organizes small parties in her backyard for kids.



  1. Jean sells a dress for CHF 60.- to a customer the 13.10.2014.

    • The customer pays cash.
      Booking CHF60.- Revenues without VAT

      Booking CHF60.- Revenues

      1. Number: This is set on “automatic number”. The next available number will be chosen. No need to change it.
      2. Date: The date of the transaction. In our case, the 13th October 2014.
      3. Debit account: “1000-Cash” as the customer pays cash. We want the cash account to increase. As the “1000-Cash” is an active account of the balance sheet, to increase it, we put it in the debit
      4. Credit account: “3200-Trades Revenues” as Jean’s sells one good. We want the Trades Revenues account to increase. As the “3200-Trades Revenues” is a revenue account of the income statement, to increase it, we put it in the credit.
      5. Amount: The amount of the transaction. In our case, CHF60.- is the amount needed to buy the dress.
      6. Description: A little description about the booking. For example, we described what we sold (a dress) and how it was sold (cash).
      7. T-View: We see that the total in the account “1000-Cash” increases and that the booking is in green (means increase). We also see that the total in the acount “3200-Trade Revenues” increases and that the booking is in green (means increase). Thus this is correct.
      8. “Book” button: Once you checked your booking with the T-View, book it.

      In a shop, the cash register produces a ticket/report at the end of the day with the sum of all the items sold divided in categories. Take this ticket and book the sum direcly in EZYcount. If on Monday you sold CHF1’500.-; replace the CHF60.- in the example by CHF1’500.-

    • The customer pays with credit card.
      Booking CHF60.- bank payment

      Booking CHF60.- bank payment

      • Keep the credit card confirmation.
        At the end of the month, when you receive your bank statement, confirm that the CHF60.- are in your bank account.
        Then make the booking and write the booking number on the receipt.
        For the booking, replace the account “1000-cash” by the account “1020-Bank”. You can then quickly check that everything is fine in the T-View.


  2. Jean organized a small birthday party for Susanna the 12.10.2014 and sent Susanna’s mother an invoice the 13.10.2014 for CHF 150.-. Jean put aside a copy of the invoice in her box “invoices not paid”.
    21 days later, the 3.11.2014, Susanna’s mother send the money on Jean’s Post account. Jean takes the copy of the invoice and attach it behind the Postfinance account statement. She writes on both documents the booking number. With this she can find easily the invoice and the booking.
    Book Invoice paid

    Book Invoice paid

    1. Number: Automatic number is fine.
    2. Date: the date the money is on your bank account.
    3. Debit: 1010-Postfinance account. The account where the money was sent. 1010 is an active account of the balance sheet, to increase it book the amount in the debit.
    4. Credit: 3400-Services Revenues. This is a revenue account from the income statement, thus to increase it, book the amount in the credit.
    5. Amount: the amount received by Jean.
    6. Description: A little description about the booking. It makes easier to find it later if needed. In the example, we wrote, which invoice Susanna’s mother paid and what the invoice was about.
    7. T-View: You can quickly view with the colors that the Postfinance account increases and the Services revenues increases too. This is what we want. Susanna’s mother paid the invoice.
    8. “Book” button: Book it.

If you have a question or want more details concerning one of the points in this article, please contact me directly at

Update EZYcount of 23.10.2014

We’ve received many comments and feedback regarding the first version of EZYcount. Thank you very much! Without your support, we couldn’t improve EZYcount and simplify your accounting.

Here are the main improvements:

  1. EZYcount in German. Vereinfache deine Buchhaltung neu auch in der Deutschschweiz.
  2. Cash booking: Now you can easily book bank statements with the new function “cash booking”.
  3. Company creation made easier. It is now possible to create multiple companies at the same time. It is also easier to go in and out of a company in creation. Furthermore the Step 6 “Opening Balance” has been improved to make it even easier to use.
  4. Payment: It is now possible to pay for EZYcount subscription with Visa, Mastercard, Postcard and E-Finance Postfinance.

Many small improvements have been made on the pages to make EZYcount experience easier and more intuitive.

In the upcoming days we will post detailed information about each new main feature. Stay tuned with Facebook, Linkedin, Google+ or Twitter to get all of it.

If you have questions, comments or feedback concerning the update, please contact us directly at We will make sure to answer you within 48 hours and integrate your feedback in the future EZYcount update.